gle (3x) - an introduction to the GLE Tubing & Extrusions Library gleExtrusion (3x) - Extrude arbitrary 2D contour along arbitrary 3D path. gleSetJoinStyle (3x) - Query and Set the GLE join style flags. gleHelicoid (3x) - Generalized torus, spiral with circle contour. gleLathe (3x) - Sweep using a Z-axis shear to create an arbitrary contour along a helical path. glePolyCone (3x) - Draw polycone, specified as a polyline with radii. glePolyCylinder (3x) - Draw polycylinder, specified as a polyline. gleScrew (3x) - Draws screw-type shapes. gleSpiral (3x) - Sweep an arbitrary contour along a helical path. gleSuperExtrusion (3x) - Extrude arbitrary 2D contour along arbitrary 3D path, specifying local affine transformations. gleTextureMode (3x) - set the type of GLE automatic texture coordinate generation. gleToroid (3x) - Generalized torus, lathe with circle contour. gleTwistExtrusion (3x) - Extrude arbitrary 2D contour along arbitrary 3D path, specifying local rotations (twists). glut (3x) - an introduction to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit glutAddMenuEntry (3x) - adds a menu entry to the bottom of the current menu. glutAddSubMenu (3x) - adds a sub-menu trigger to the bottom of the current menu. glutAttachMenu (3x) - attaches a mouse button for the current window to the identifier of the current menu; glutDetachMenu ... glutBitmapCharacter (3x) - renders a bitmap character using OpenGL. glutBitmapWidth (3x) - returns the width of a bitmap character, glutBitmapLength returns the length of a bitmap font string. glutButtonBoxFunc (3x) - sets the dial & button box button callback for the current window. glutChangeToMenuEntry (3x) - changes the specified menu item in the current menu into a menu entry. glutChangeToSubMenu (3x) - changes the specified menu item in the current menu into a sub-menu trigger. glutCopyColormap (3x) - copies the logical colormap for the layer in use from a specified window to the current window. glutCreateMenu (3x) - creates a new pop-up menu. glutCreateSubWindow (3x) - creates a subwindow. glutCreateWindow (3x) - creates a top-level window. glutDestroyMenu (3x) - destroys the specified menu. glutDestroyWindow (3x) - destroys the specified window. glutDeviceGet (3x) - retrieves GLUT device information represented by integers. glutDialsFunc (3x) - sets the dial & button box dials callback for the current window. glutDisplayFunc (3x) - sets the display callback for the current window. glutEnterGameMode (3x) - enters and leaves GLUT's game mode. glutEntryFunc (3x) - sets the mouse enter/leave callback for the current window. glutEstablishOverlay (3x) - establishes an overlay (if possible) for the current window. glutExtensionSupported (3x) - helps to easily determine whether a given OpenGL extension is supported. glutForceJoystickFunc (3x) - forces current window's joystick callback to be called. glutFullScreen (3x) - requests that the current window be made full screen. glutGameModeGet (3x) - retrieves GLUT device information represented by integers. glutGameModeString (3x) - sets the game mode configuration via a string. glutGet (3x) - retrieves simple GLUT state represented by integers. glutGetColor (3x) - retrieves a red, green, or blue component for a given color index colormap entry for the layer in use... glutGetModifiers (3x) - returns the modifier key state when certain callbacks were generated. glutShowOverlay (3x) - shows or hides the overlay of the current window glutShowWindow (3x) - change the display status of the current window. glutIdleFunc (3x) - sets the global idle callback. glutIgnoreKeyRepeat (3x) - determines if auto repeat keystrokes are reported to the current window glutInit (3x) - initialize the GLUT library. glutInitDisplayMode (3x) - sets the initial display mode. glutInitDisplayString (3x) - sets the initial display mode via a string. glutInitWindowPosition (3x) - set the initial window position and size respectively. glutJoystickFunc (3x) - sets the joystick callback for the current window. glutKeyboardFunc (3x) - sets the keyboard callback for the current window. glutKeyboardUpFunc (3x) - sets the keyboard up (key release) callback for the current window. glutLayerGet (3x) - retrieves GLUT state pertaining to the layers of the current window. glutMainLoop (3x) - enters the GLUT event processing loop. glutMenuStatusFunc (3x) - sets the global menu status callback. glutMotionFunc (3x) - set the motion and passive motion callbacks respectively for the current window. glutMouseFunc (3x) - sets the mouse callback for the current window. glutOverlayDisplayFunc (3x) - sets the overlay display callback for the current window. glutPopWindow (3x) - change the stacking order of the current window relative to its siblings. glutPositionWindow (3x) - requests a change to the position of the current window. glutPostOverlayRedisplay (3x) - marks the overlay of the current or specified window as needing to be redisplayed. glutPostRedisplay (3x) - marks the current or specified window as needing to be redisplayed. glutRemoveMenuItem (3x) - remove the specified menu item. glutRemoveOverlay (3x) - removes the overlay (if one exists) from the current window. glutReportErrors (3x) - for debugging purposes; prints out OpenGL run-time errors. glutReshapeFunc (3x) - sets the reshape callback for the current window. glutReshapeWindow (3x) - requests a change to the size of the current window. glutSetColor (3x) - sets the color of a colormap entry in the layer of use for the current window. glutSetCursor (3x) - changes the cursor image of the current window. glutSetWindowTitle (3x) - change the window or icon title respectively of the current top-level window. glutSetKeyRepeat (3x) - retrieves simple GLUT state represented by integers. glutSetMenu (3x) - sets the current menu; glutGetMenu - returns the identifier of the current menu. glutSetWindow (3x) - sets the current window; glutGetWindow - returns the identifier of the current window. glutSolidCone (3x) - render a solid or wireframe cone respectively. glutSolidCube (3x) - render a solid or wireframe cube respectively. glutSolidDodecahedron (3x) - render a solid or wireframe dodecahedron (12-sided regular solid) respectively. glutSolidIcosahedron (3x) - render a solid or wireframe icosahedron (20-sided regular solid) respectively. glutSolidOctahedron (3x) - render a solid or wireframe octahedron (8-sided regular solid) respectively. glutSolidSphere (3x) - render a solid or wireframe sphere respectively. glutSolidTeapot (3x) - render a solid or wireframe teapot respectively. glutSolidTetrahedron (3x) - render a solid or wireframe tetrahedron (4-sided regular solid) respectively. glutSolidTorus (3x) - render a solid or wireframe torus (doughnut) respectively. glutSpaceballButtonFunc (3x) - sets the Spaceball button callback for the current window. glutSpaceballMotionFunc (3x) - sets the Spaceball motion callback for the current window. glutSpaceballRotateFunc (3x) - sets the Spaceball rotation callback for the current window. glutSpecialFunc (3x) - sets the special keyboard callback for the current window. glutSpecialUpFunc (3x) - sets the special keyboard up (key release) callback for the current window. glutStrokeCharacter (3x) - renders a stroke character using OpenGL. glutStrokeWidth (3x) - (unknown subject) glutSwapBuffers (3x) - swaps the buffers of the current window if double buffered. glutTabletButtonFunc (3x) - sets the special keyboard callback for the current window. glutTabletMotionFunc (3x) - sets the special keyboard callback for the current window. glutTimerFunc (3x) - registers a timer callback to be triggered in a specified number of milliseconds. glutUseLayer (3x) - changes the layer in use for the current window. glutVisibilityFunc (3x) - sets the visibility callback for the current window. glutWarpPointer (3x) - (unknown subject) glines (6) - GNOME port of the once-popular Colour Lines game glIslist (3x) - determine if a name corresponds to a display-list gl_allocatecontext (3) - allocate a graphics context gl_bcircle (3) - draw a filled or unfilled Bresenham circle gl_circle (3) - draw a circle gl_clearscreen (3) - clear the screen gl_colorfont (3) - change the color of a font gl_compileboxmask (3) - compress a masked bitmap gl_compiledboxmasksize (3) - compute the size of a compiled masked box gl_copybox (3) - copy a rectangular screen area gl_copyboxfromcontext (3) - copy rectangular area from another context gl_copyboxtocontext (3) - copy a rectangular area to another context gl_copyscreen (3) - copy the screen contents of contexts gl_disableclipping (3) - disables clipping gl_enableclipping (3) - enables clipping gl_enablepageflipping (3) - enables automatic page flipping gl_expandfont (3) - expand a packed pixel font gl_fillbox (3) - fill a rectangular area gl_fillcircle (3) - draw a filled circle gl_font8x8 (3) - a packed 8x8 pixel font gl_freecontext (3) - free a virtual screen gl_getbox (3) - copy a rectangular pixmap from the screen to a buffer gl_getcontext (3) - get the current graphics contents. gl_getpalette (3) - read the color palette gl_getpalettecolor (3) - read the color palette gl_getpalettecolors (3) - read the color palette gl_getpixel (3) - return the color of a pixel gl_getpixelrgb (3) - store color components of a pixel gl_hline (3) - draw a horizontal line gl_line (3) - draw a line gl_printf (3) - write formatted output in graphic mode gl_putbox (3) - copy a pixmap to a rectangular area gl_putboxmask (3) - copy a masked pixmap to a rectangular area gl_putboxmaskcompiled (3) - copy a compiled masked pixmap to a rectangular area gl_putboxpart (3) - copy a partial pixmap to a rectangular area gl_rgbcolor (3) - return pixel value corresponding to an rgb color gl_scalebox (3) - scale a pixmap gl_setclippingwindow (3) - set the clipping window gl_setcontext (3) - set a previously saved context gl_setcontextheight (3) - set the dimension of a context gl_setcontextvga (3) - set the context to the physical screen gl_setcontextvgavirtual (3) - set the context to a virtual mode gl_setcontextvirtual (3) - define a virtual context gl_setcontextwidth (3) - set the dimension of a context gl_setdisplaystart (3) - set the start of the screen are displayed gl_setfont (3) - set the text font to be used gl_setfontcolors (3) - set the font colors gl_setpalette (3) - set the color palette gl_setpalettecolor (3) - set the color palette gl_setpalettecolors (3) - set the color palette gl_setpixel (3) - draw a pixel gl_setpixelrgb (3) - draw a pixel gl_setrgbpalette (3) - set a 256-color RGB palette gl_setscreenoffset (3) - set a memory offset for copyscreen gl_setwritemode (3) - set the font writemode flags gl_write (3) - write a text string gl_writen (3) - write a text string glAccum (3x) - operate on the accumulation buffer glActiveTextureARB (3x) - select active texture unit glAlphaFunc (3x) - specify the alpha test function glAreTexturesResident (3x) - determine if textures are loaded in texture memory glArrayElement (3x) - render a vertex using the specified vertex array element glBegin (3x) - delimit the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives glBindTexture (3x) - bind a named texture to a texturing target glBitmap (3x) - draw a bitmap glBlendColor (3x) - set the blend color glBlendEquation (3x) - set the blend equation glBlendFunc (3x) - specify pixel arithmetic glCallList (3x) - execute a display list glCallLists (3x) - execute a list of display lists glchess (6) - A 3D chess application glClear (3x) - clear buffers to preset values glClearAccum (3x) - specify clear values for the accumulation buffer glClearColor (3x) - specify clear values for the color buffers glClearDepth (3x) - specify the clear value for the depth buffer glClearIndex (3x) - specify the clear value for the color index buffers glClearStencil (3x) - specify the clear value for the stencil buffer glClientActiveTextureARB (3x) - select active texture unit glClipPlane (3x) - specify a plane against which all geometry is clipped glColor (3x) - set the current color glColor3b (3x) - set the current color glColor3bv (3x) - set the current color glColor3d (3x) - set the current color glColor3dv (3x) - set the current color glColor3f (3x) - set the current color glColor3fv (3x) - set the current color glColor3i (3x) - set the current color glColor3iv (3x) - set the current color glColor3s (3x) - set the current color glColor3sv (3x) - set the current color glColor3ub (3x) - set the current color glColor3ubv (3x) - set the current color glColor3ui (3x) - set the current color glColor3uiv (3x) - set the current color glColor3us (3x) - set the current color glColor3usv (3x) - set the current color glColor4b (3x) - set the current color glColor4bv (3x) - set the current color glColor4d (3x) - set the current color glColor4dv (3x) - set the current color glColor4f (3x) - set the current color glColor4fv (3x) - set the current color glColor4i (3x) - set the current color glColor4iv (3x) - set the current color glColor4s (3x) - set the current color glColor4sv (3x) - set the current color glColor4ub (3x) - set the current color glColor4ubv (3x) - set the current color glColor4ui (3x) - set the current color glColor4uiv (3x) - set the current color glColor4us (3x) - set the current color glColor4usv (3x) - set the current color glColorMask (3x) - enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components glColorMaterial (3x) - cause a material color to track the current color glColorPointer (3x) - define an array of colors glColorSubTable (3x) - respecify a portion of a color table glColorTable (3x) - define a color lookup table glColorTableParameter (3x) - set color lookup table parameters glColorTableParameterfv (3x) - set color lookup table parameters glColorTableParameteriv (3x) - set color lookup table parameters glConvolutionFilter1D (3x) - define a one-dimensional convolution filter glConvolutionFilter2D (3x) - define a two-dimensional convolution filter glConvolutionParameter (3x) - set convolution parameters glCopyColorSubTable (3x) - respecify a portion of a color table glCopyColorTable (3x) - copy pixels into a color table glCopyConvolutionFilter1D (3x) - copy pixels into a one-dimensional convolution filter glCopyConvolutionFilter2D (3x) - copy pixels into a two-dimensional convolution filter glCopyPixels (3x) - copy pixels in the frame buffer glCopyTexImage1D (3x) - copy pixels into a 1D texture image glCopyTexImage2D (3x) - copy pixels into a 2D texture image glCopyTexSubImage1D (3x) - copy a one-dimensional texture subimage glCopyTexSubImage2D (3x) - copy a two-dimensional texture subimage glCopyTexSubImage3D (3x) - copy a three-dimensional texture subimage glCullFace (3x) - specify whether front- or back-facing facets can be culled glDeleteLists (3x) - delete a contiguous group of display lists glDeleteTextures (3x) - delete named textures glDepthFunc (3x) - specify the value used for depth buffer comparisons glDepthMask (3x) - enable or disable writing into the depth buffer glDepthRange (3x) - specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates glDisable (3x) - enable or disable server-side GL capabilities glDisableClientState (3x) - enable or disable client-side capability glDrawArrays (3x) - render primitives from array data glDrawBuffer (3x) - specify which color buffers are to be drawn into glDrawElements (3x) - render primitives from array data glDrawPixels (3x) - write a block of pixels to the frame buffer glDrawRangeElements (3x) - render primitives from array data glEdgeFlag (3x) - flag edges as either boundary or nonboundary glEdgeFlagPointer (3x) - define an array of edge flags glEdgeFlagv (3x) - flag edges as either boundary or nonboundary glEnable (3x) - enable or disable server-side GL capabilities glEnableClientState (3x) - enable or disable client-side capability glEnd (3x) - delimit the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives glEndList (3x) - create or replace a display list glEvalCoord (3x) - evaluate enabled one- and two-dimensional maps glEvalCoord1d (3x) - evaluate enabled one- and two-dimensional maps glEvalCoord1dv (3x) - evaluate enabled one- and two-dimensional maps glEvalCoord1fv (3x) - evaluate enabled one- and two-dimensional maps glEvalCoord2d (3x) - evaluate enabled one- and two-dimensional maps glEvalCoord2dv (3x) - evaluate enabled one- and two-dimensional maps glEvalCoord2f (3x) - evaluate enabled one- and two-dimensional maps glEvalCoord2fv (3x) - evaluate enabled one- and two-dimensional maps glEvalMesh (3x) - compute a one- or two-dimensional grid of points or lines glEvalMesh1 (3x) - compute a one- or two-dimensional grid of points or lines glEvalMesh2 (3x) - compute a one- or two-dimensional grid of points or lines glEvalPoint (3x) - generate and evaluate a single point in a mesh glEvalPoint1 (3x) - generate and evaluate a single point in a mesh glEvalPoint2 (3x) - generate and evaluate a single point in a mesh glFeedbackBuffer (3x) - controls feedback mode glFinish (3x) - block until all GL execution is complete glFlush (3x) - force execution of GL commands in finite time glFog (3x) - specify fog parameters glFogf (3x) - specify fog parameters glFogfv (3x) - specify fog parameters glFogi (3x) - specify fog parameters glFogiv (3x) - specify fog parameters glFrontFace (3x) - define front- and back-facing polygons glFrustum (3x) - multiply the current matrix by a perspective matrix glGenLists (3x) - generate a contiguous set of empty display lists glGenTextures (3x) - generate texture names glGet (3x) - return the value or values of a selected parameter glGetBooleanv (3x) - return the value or values of a selected parameter glGetClipPlane (3x) - return the coefficients of the specified clipping plane glGetColorTable (3x) - retrieve contents of a color lookup table glGetColorTableParameter (3x) - get color lookup table parameters glGetColorTableParameterfv (3x) - get color lookup table parameters glGetColorTableParameteriv (3x) - get color lookup table parameters glGetConvolutionFilter (3x) - get current 1D or 2D convolution filter kernel glGetConvolutionParameter (3x) - get convolution parameters glGetDoublev (3x) - return the value or values of a selected parameter glGetError (3x) - return error information glGetFloatv (3x) - return the value or values of a selected parameter glGetHistogram (3x) - get histogram table glGetHistogramParameter (3x) - get histogram parameters glGetIntegerv (3x) - return the value or values of a selected parameter glGetLight (3x) - return light source parameter values glGetLightfv (3x) - return light source parameter values glGetLightiv (3x) - return light source parameter values glGetMap (3x) - return evaluator parameters glGetMapdv (3x) - return evaluator parameters glGetMapfv (3x) - return evaluator parameters glGetMapiv (3x) - return evaluator parameters glGetMaterial (3x) - return material parameters glGetMaterialfv (3x) - return material parameters glGetMaterialiv (3x) - return material parameters glGetMinmax (3x) - get minimum and maximum pixel values glGetMinmaxParameter (3x) - get minmax parameters glGetPixelMap (3x) - return the specified pixel map glGetPixelMapfv (3x) - return the specified pixel map glGetPixelMapuiv (3x) - return the specified pixel map glGetPixelMapusv (3x) - return the specified pixel map glGetPointerv (3x) - return the address of the specified pointer glGetPolygonStipple (3x) - return the polygon stipple pattern glGetSeparableFilter (3x) - get separable convolution filter kernel images glGetString (3x) - (unknown subject) glGetTexEnv (3x) - return texture environment parameters glGetTexEnvfv (3x) - return texture environment parameters glGetTexEnviv (3x) - return texture environment parameters glGetTexGen (3x) - return texture coordinate generation parameters glGetTexGendv (3x) - return texture coordinate generation parameters glGetTexGenfv (3x) - return texture coordinate generation parameters glGetTexGeniv (3x) - return texture coordinate generation parameters glGetTexImage (3x) - return a texture image glGetTexLevelParameter (3x) - return texture parameter values for a specific level of detail glGetTexLevelParameterfv (3x) - return texture parameter values for a specific level of detail glGetTexLevelParameteriv (3x) - return texture parameter values for a specific level of detail glGetTexParameter (3x) - return texture parameter values glGetTexParameterfv (3x) - return texture parameter values glGetTexParameteriv (3x) - return texture parameter values glHint (3x) - specify implementation-specific hints glHistogram (3x) - define histogram table glib-genmarshal (1) - C code marshaller generation utility for GLib closures glib-gettextize (1) - gettext internationalization utility glib-mkenums (1) - C language enum description generation utility glibc (7) - Overview of standard C libraries on Linux glIndex (3x) - set the current color index glIndexd (3x) - set the current color index glIndexdv (3x) - set the current color index glIndexf (3x) - set the current color index glIndexfv (3x) - set the current color index glIndexi (3x) - set the current color index glIndexiv (3x) - set the current color index glIndexMask (3x) - control the writing of individual bits in the color index buffers glIndexPointer (3x) - define an array of color indexes glIndexs (3x) - set the current color index glIndexsv (3x) - set the current color index glIndexub (3x) - set the current color index glIndexubv (3x) - set the current color index glInitNames (3x) - initialize the name stack glInterleavedArrays (3x) - simultaneously specify and enable several interleaved arrays glIsEnabled (3x) - test whether a capability is enabled glIsTexture (3x) - determine if a name corresponds to a texture glLight (3x) - set light source parameters glLightf (3x) - set light source parameters glLightfv (3x) - set light source parameters glLighti (3x) - set light source parameters glLightiv (3x) - set light source parameters glLightModel (3x) - set the lighting model parameters glLightModelf (3x) - set the lighting model parameters glLightModelfv (3x) - set the lighting model parameters glLightModeli (3x) - set the lighting model parameters glLightModeliv (3x) - set the lighting model parameters glLineStipple (3x) - specify the line stipple pattern glLineWidth (3x) - specify the width of rasterized lines glListBase (3x) - set the display-list base for glCallLists glLoadIdentity (3x) - replace the current matrix with the identity matrix glLoadMatrix (3x) - replace the current matrix with the specified matrix glLoadMatrixd (3x) - replace the current matrix with the specified matrix glLoadMatrixf (3x) - replace the current matrix with the specified matrix glLoadName (3x) - load a name onto the name stack glLogicOp (3x) - specify a logical pixel operation for color index rendering glMap1 (3x) - define a one-dimensional evaluator glMap1d (3x) - define a one-dimensional evaluator glMap1f (3x) - define a one-dimensional evaluator glMap2 (3x) - define a two-dimensional evaluator glMap2d (3x) - define a two-dimensional evaluator glMap2f (3x) - define a two-dimensional evaluator glMapGrid (3x) - define a one- or two-dimensional mesh glMapGrid1d (3x) - define a one- or two-dimensional mesh glMapGrid1f (3x) - define a one- or two-dimensional mesh glMapGrid2d (3x) - define a one- or two-dimensional mesh glMapGrid2f (3x) - define a one- or two-dimensional mesh glMaterial (3x) - specify material parameters for the lighting model glMaterialf (3x) - specify material parameters for the lighting model glMaterialfv (3x) - specify material parameters for the lighting model glMateriali (3x) - specify material parameters for the lighting model glMaterialiv (3x) - specify material parameters for the lighting model glMatrixMode (3x) - specify which matrix is the current matrix glMinmax (3x) - define minmax table glMultiTexCoord1dARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord1dvARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord1fARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord1fvARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord1iARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord1ivARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord1sARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord1svARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord2dARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord2dvARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord2fARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord2fvARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord2iARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord2ivARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord2sARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord2svARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord3dARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord3dvARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord3fARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord3fvARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord3iARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord3ivARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord3sARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord3svARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord4dARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord4dvARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord4fARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord4fvARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord4iARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord4ivARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord4sARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoord4svARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultiTexCoordARB (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glMultMatrix (3x) - multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix glMultMatrixd (3x) - multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix glMultMatrixf (3x) - multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix glNewList (3x) - create or replace a display list glNormal (3x) - set the current normal vector glNormal3b (3x) - set the current normal vector glNormal3bv (3x) - set the current normal vector glNormal3d (3x) - set the current normal vector glNormal3dv (3x) - set the current normal vector glNormal3f (3x) - set the current normal vector glNormal3fv (3x) - set the current normal vector glNormal3i (3x) - set the current normal vector glNormal3iv (3x) - set the current normal vector glNormal3s (3x) - set the current normal vector glNormal3sv (3x) - set the current normal vector glNormalPointer (3x) - define an array of normals glob (3) - find pathnames matching a pattern, free memory from glob() glob (3posix) - generate pathnames matching a pattern glob (7) - Globbing pathnames glob.h (7posix) - pathname pattern-matching types globfree (3) - find pathnames matching a pattern, free memory from glob() globfree (3posix) - generate pathnames matching a pattern glOrtho (3x) - multiply the current matrix with an orthographic matrix glPassThrough (3x) - place a marker in the feedback buffer glPixelMap (3x) - set up pixel transfer maps glPixelMapfv (3x) - set up pixel transfer maps glPixelMapuiv (3x) - set up pixel transfer maps glPixelMapusv (3x) - set up pixel transfer maps glPixelStore (3x) - set pixel storage modes glPixelStoref (3x) - set pixel storage modes glPixelStorei (3x) - set pixel storage modes glPixelTransfer (3x) - set pixel transfer modes glPixelTransferf (3x) - set pixel transfer modes glPixelTransferi (3x) - set pixel transfer modes glPixelZoom (3x) - specify the pixel zoom factors glPointSize (3x) - specify the diameter of rasterized points glPolygonMode (3x) - select a polygon rasterization mode glPolygonOffset (3x) - set the scale and units used to calculate depth values glPolygonStipple (3x) - set the polygon stippling pattern glPopAttrib (3x) - push and pop the server attribute stack glPopClientAttrib (3x) - push and pop the client attribute stack glPopMatrix (3x) - push and pop the current matrix stack glPopName (3x) - push and pop the name stack glPrioritizeTextures (3x) - set texture residence priority glPushAttrib (3x) - push and pop the server attribute stack glPushClientAttrib (3x) - push and pop the client attribute stack glPushMatrix (3x) - push and pop the current matrix stack glPushName (3x) - push and pop the name stack glRasterPos (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos2d (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos2dv (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos2f (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos2fv (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos2i (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos2iv (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos2s (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos2sv (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos3d (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos3dv (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos3f (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos3fv (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos3i (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos3iv (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos3s (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos3sv (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos4d (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos4dv (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos4f (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos4fv (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos4i (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos4iv (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos4s (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glRasterPos4sv (3x) - specify the raster position for pixel operations glReadBuffer (3x) - select a color buffer source for pixels glReadPixels (3x) - read a block of pixels from the frame buffer glRect (3x) - draw a rectangle glRectd (3x) - draw a rectangle glRectdv (3x) - draw a rectangle glRectf (3x) - draw a rectangle glRectfv (3x) - draw a rectangle glRecti (3x) - draw a rectangle glRectiv (3x) - draw a rectangle glRects (3x) - draw a rectangle glRectsv (3x) - draw a rectangle glRenderMode (3x) - set rasterization mode glResetHistogram (3x) - reset histogram table entries to zero glResetMinmax (3x) - reset minmax table entries to initial values glRotate (3x) - multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix glRotated (3x) - multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix glRotatef (3x) - multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix glScale (3x) - multiply the current matrix by a general scaling matrix glScaled (3x) - multiply the current matrix by a general scaling matrix glScalef (3x) - multiply the current matrix by a general scaling matrix glScissor (3x) - define the scissor box glSelectBuffer (3x) - establish a buffer for selection mode values glSeparableFilter2D (3x) - define a separable two-dimensional convolution filter glShadeModel (3x) - select flat or smooth shading glStencilFunc (3x) - set function and reference value for stencil testing glStencilMask (3x) - control the writing of individual bits in the stencil planes glStencilOp (3x) - set stencil test actions glTexCoord (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord1d (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord1dv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord1f (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord1fv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord1i (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord1iv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord1s (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord1sv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord2d (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord2dv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord2f (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord2fv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord2i (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord2iv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord2s (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord2sv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord3d (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord3dv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord3f (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord3fv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord3i (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord3iv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord3s (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord3sv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord4d (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord4dv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord4f (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord4fv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord4i (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord4iv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord4s (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoord4sv (3x) - set the current texture coordinates glTexCoordPointer (3x) - define an array of texture coordinates glTexEnv (3x) - set texture environment parameters glTexEnvf (3x) - set texture environment parameters glTexEnvfv (3x) - set texture environment parameters glTexEnvi (3x) - set texture environment parameters glTexEnviv (3x) - set texture environment parameters glTexGen (3x) - control the generation of texture coordinates glTexGend (3x) - control the generation of texture coordinates glTexGendv (3x) - control the generation of texture coordinates glTexGenf (3x) - control the generation of texture coordinates glTexGenfv (3x) - control the generation of texture coordinates glTexGeni (3x) - control the generation of texture coordinates glTexGeniv (3x) - control the generation of texture coordinates glTexImage1D (3x) - specify a one-dimensional texture image glTexImage2D (3x) - specify a two-dimensional texture image glTexImage3D (3x) - specify a three-dimensional texture image glTexParameter (3x) - set texture parameters glTexParameterf (3x) - set texture parameters glTexParameterfv (3x) - set texture parameters glTexParameteri (3x) - set texture parameters glTexParameteriv (3x) - set texture parameters glTexSubImage1D (3x) - specify a one-dimensional texture subimage glTexSubImage2D (3x) - specify a two-dimensional texture subimage glTexSubImage3D (3x) - specify a three-dimensional texture subimage glTranslate (3x) - multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix glTranslated (3x) - multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix glTranslatef (3x) - multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix gluBeginCurve (3x) - delimit a NURBS curve definition gluBeginPolygon (3x) - delimit a polygon description gluBeginSurface (3x) - delimit a NURBS surface definition gluBeginTrim (3x) - delimit a NURBS trimming loop definition gluBuild1DMipmaps (3x) - builds a one-dimensional mipmap gluBuild2DMipmaps (3x) - builds a two-dimensional mipmap gluCylinder (3x) - draw a cylinder gluDeleteNurbsRenderer (3x) - destroy a NURBS object gluDeleteQuadric (3x) - destroy a quadrics object gluDeleteTess (3x) - destroy a tessellation object gluDisk (3x) - draw a disk gluEndCurve (3x) - delimit a NURBS curve definition gluEndPolygon (3x) - delimit a polygon description gluEndSurface (3x) - delimit a NURBS surface definition gluEndTrim (3x) - delimit a NURBS trimming loop definition gluErrorString (3x) - produce an error string from a GL or GLU error code gluGetNurbsProperty (3x) - get a NURBS property gluGetString (3x) - return a string describing the GLU version or GLU extensions gluGetTessProperty (3x) - get a tessellation object property gluLoadSamplingMatrices (3x) - load NURBS sampling and culling matrices gluLookAt (3x) - define a viewing transformation gluNewNurbsRenderer (3x) - create a NURBS object gluNewQuadric (3x) - create a quadrics object gluNewTess (3x) - create a tessellation object gluNextContour (3x) - mark the beginning of another contour gluNurbsCallback (3x) - define a callback for a NURBS object gluNurbsCallbackDataEXT (3x) - set a user data pointer gluNurbsCurve (3x) - define the shape of a NURBS curve gluNurbsProperty (3x) - set a NURBS property gluNurbsSurface (3x) - define the shape of a NURBS surface gluOrtho2D (3x) - define a 2D orthographic projection matrix gluPartialDisk (3x) - draw an arc of a disk gluPerspective (3x) - set up a perspective projection matrix gluPickMatrix (3x) - define a picking region gluProject (3x) - map object coordinates to window coordinates gluPwlCurve (3x) - describe a piecewise linear NURBS trimming curve gluQuadricCallback (3x) - define a callback for a quadrics object gluQuadricDrawStyle (3x) - specify the draw style desired for quadrics gluQuadricNormals (3x) - specify what kind of normals are desired for quadrics gluQuadricOrientation (3x) - specify inside/outside orientation for quadrics gluQuadricTexture (3x) - specify if texturing is desired for quadrics gluScaleImage (3x) - scale an image to an arbitrary size gluSphere (3x) - draw a sphere gluTessBeginContour (3x) - delimit a contour description gluTessBeginPolygon (3x) - delimit a polygon description gluTessCallback (3x) - define a callback for a tessellation object gluTessEndContour (3x) - delimit a contour description gluTessEndPolygon (3x) - delimit a polygon description gluTessNormal (3x) - specify a normal for a polygon gluTessProperty (3x) - set a tessellation object property gluTessVertex (3x) - specify a vertex on a polygon gluUnProject (3x) - map window coordinates to object coordinates glVertex (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex2d (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex2dv (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex2f (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex2fv (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex2i (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex2iv (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex2s (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex2sv (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex3d (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex3dv (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex3f (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex3fv (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex3i (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex3iv (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex3s (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex3sv (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex4d (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex4dv (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex4f (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex4fv (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex4i (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex4iv (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex4s (3x) - specify a vertex glVertex4sv (3x) - specify a vertex glVertexPointer (3x) - define an array of vertex data glViewport (3x) - set the viewport glXChooseVisual (3x) - return a visual that matches specified attributes glXCopyContext (3x) - copy state from one rendering context to another glXCreateContext (3x) - create a new GLX rendering context glXCreateGLXPixmap (3x) - create an off-screen GLX rendering area glxdemo (1) - a demonstration of the GLX functions glXDestroyContext (3x) - destroy a GLX context glXDestroyGLXPixmap (3x) - destroy a GLX pixmap glXFreeContextEXT (3x) - free client-side memory for imported context glxgears (1) - ``gears'' demo for GLX glXGetClientString (3x) - return a string describing the client glXGetConfig (3x) - return information about GLX visuals glXGetContextIDEXT (3x) - get the XID for a context. glXGetCurrentContext (3x) - return the current context glXGetCurrentDisplay (3x) - get display for current context glXGetCurrentDrawable (3x) - return the current drawable glxheads (1) - exercise multiple GLX connections glXImportContextEXT (3x) - import another process's indirect rendering context. glxinfo (1) - show information about the GLX implementation glXIntro (3x) - Introduction to OpenGL in the X window system glXIsDirect (3x) - indicate whether direct rendering is enabled glXMakeCurrent (3x) - attach a GLX context to a window or a GLX pixmap glXQueryContextInfoEXT (3x) - query context information glXQueryExtension (3x) - indicate whether the GLX extension is supported glXQueryExtensionsString (3x) - return list of supported extensions glXQueryServerString (3x) - return string describing the server glXQueryVersion (3x) - return the version numbers of the GLX extension glXSwapBuffers (3x) - exchange front and back buffers glXUseXFont (3x) - create bitmap display lists from an X font glXWaitGL (3x) - complete GL execution prior to subsequent X calls glXWaitX (3x) - complete X execution prior to subsequent GL calls