/* AVFS: A Virtual File System Library Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Miklos Szeredi (mszeredi@inf.bme.hu) This program can be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. See the file COPYING. */ #include "avfs.h" int av_file_open(vfile *vf, ventry *ve, int flags, avmode_t mode); int av_file_close(vfile *vf); avssize_t av_file_read(vfile *vf, char *buf, avsize_t nbyte); avssize_t av_file_pread(vfile *vf, char *buf, avsize_t nbyte, avoff_t offset); avssize_t av_file_write(vfile *vf, const char *buf, avsize_t nbyte); avssize_t av_file_pwrite(vfile *vf, const char *buf, avsize_t nbyte, avoff_t offset); int av_file_truncate(vfile *vf, avoff_t length); int av_file_getattr(vfile *vf, struct avstat *buf, int attrmask); int av_file_setattr(vfile *vf, struct avstat *buf, int attrmask); avoff_t av_file_lseek(vfile *vf, avoff_t offset, int whence); int av_open(ventry *ve, int flags, avmode_t mode, vfile **resp); int av_close(vfile *vf); int av_fd_open_entry(ventry *ve, int flags, avmode_t mode); int av_fd_open(const char *path, int flags, avmode_t mode); int av_fd_close(int fd); avssize_t av_fd_read(int fd, void *buf, avsize_t nbyte); avssize_t av_fd_write(int fd, const char *buf, avsize_t nbyte); avoff_t av_fd_lseek(int fd, avoff_t offset, int whence); int av_fd_readdir(int fd, struct avdirent *buf, avoff_t *posp); int av_fd_getattr(int fd, struct avstat *buf, int attrmask); int av_fd_setattr(int fd, struct avstat *buf, int attrmask); int av_fd_truncate(int fd, avoff_t length);