/* Floating point package support routines Note the "fp" library function, available in DEFF2.CRL, is used extensively by all the floating point number crunching functions. (see FLOAT.DOC for details...) NEW FEATURE: a special "printf" function has been included in this source file for use with floating point operands, in addition to the normal types. The printf presented here will take precedence over the DEFF.CRL version when "float" is specified on the CLINK command line at linkage time. Note that the "fp" function, needed by most of the functions in this file, resides in DEFF2.CRL and will be automatically collected by CLINK. All functions here written by Bob Mathias, except printf and _spr (written by Leor Zolman.) */ #include "bdscio.h" #define NORM_CODE 0 #define ADD_CODE 1 #define SUB_CODE 2 #define MULT_CODE 3 #define DIV_CODE 4 #define FTOA_CODE 5 fpcomp(op1,op2) char *op1,*op2; { char work[5]; fpsub(work,op1,op2); if (work[3] > 127) return (-1); if (work[0]+work[1]+work[2]+work[3]) return (1); return (0); } fpnorm(op1) char *op1; { fp(NORM_CODE,op1,op1);return(op1);} fpadd(result,op1,op2) char *result,*op1,*op2; { fp(ADD_CODE,result,op1,op2);return(result);} fpsub(result,op2,op1) char *result,*op1,*op2; {fp(SUB_CODE,result,op1,op2);return(result);} fpmult(result,op1,op2) char *result,*op1,*op2; { fp(MULT_CODE,result,op1,op2);return(result);} fpdiv(result,op1,op2) char *result,*op1,*op2; { fp(DIV_CODE,result,op1,op2);return(result);} atof(fpno,s) char fpno[5],*s; { char *fpnorm(),work[5],ZERO[5],FP_10[5]; int sign_boolean,power; initb(FP_10,"0,0,0,80,4"); setmem(fpno,5,0); sign_boolean=power=0; while (*s==' ' || *s=='\t') ++s; if (*s=='-'){sign_boolean=1;++s;} for (;isdigit(*s);++s){ fpmult(fpno,fpno,FP_10); work[0]=*s-'0'; work[1]=work[2]=work[3]=0;work[4]=31; fpadd(fpno,fpno,fpnorm(work)); } if (*s=='.'){ ++s; for (;isdigit(*s);--power,++s){ fpmult(fpno,fpno,FP_10); work[0]=*s-'0'; work[1]=work[2]=work[3]=0;work[4]=31; fpadd(fpno,fpno,fpnorm(work)); } } if (toupper(*s) == 'E') {++s; power += atoi(s); } if (power>0) for (;power!=0;--power) fpmult(fpno,fpno,FP_10); else if (power<0) for (;power!=0;++power) fpdiv(fpno,fpno,FP_10); if (sign_boolean){ setmem(ZERO,5,0); fpsub(fpno,ZERO,fpno); } return(fpno); } ftoa(result,op1) char *result,*op1; { fp(FTOA_CODE,result,op1);return(result);} itof(op1,n) char *op1; int n; { char temp[20]; return atof(op1, itoa(temp,n)); } itoa(str,n) char *str; { char *sptr; sptr = str; if (n<0) { *sptr++ = '-'; n = -n; } _uspr(&sptr, n, 10); *sptr = '\0'; return str; } /* The short "printf" function given here is exactly the same as the one in the library, but it needs to be placed here so that the special "_spr" is used instead of the normal one in DEFF.CRL. The way the linker works is that a function is not linked in UNTIL IT IS REFERENCED...so if the definition of "printf" were not placed here in this file, "_spr" would not be referenced at all until the "printf" from DEFF.CRL got yanked in, at which time "_spr" would ALSO be taken from DEFF.CRL and cause the floating point "_spr" options to not be recognized. In other words, if "printf" were not given explicitly here, the WRONG _spr would end up being used. */ printf(format) char *format; { char line[MAXLINE]; _spr(line,&format); /* use "_spr" to form the output */ puts(line); /* and print out the line */ } /* This is the special formatting function, which supports the "e" and "f" conversions as well as the normal "d", "s", etc. When using "e" or "f" format, the corresponding argument in the argument list should be a pointer to one of the five-byte strings used as floating point numbers by the floating point functions. Note that you don't need to ever use the "ftoa" function when using this special printf/sprintf combination; to achieve the same result as ftoa, a simple "%e" format conversion will do the trick. "%f" is used to eliminate the scientific notation and set the precision. The only [known] difference between the "e" and "f" conversions as used here and the ones described in the Kernighan & Ritchie book is that ROUNDING does not take place in this version...e.g., printing a floating point number which happens to equal exactly 3.999 using a "%5.2f" format conversion will produce " 3.99" instead of " 4.00". */ _spr(line,fmt) char *line, **fmt; { char _uspr(), c, base, *sptr, *format; char wbuf[80], *wptr, pf, ljflag; int width, precision, exp, *args; format = *fmt++; /* fmt first points to the format string */ args = fmt; /* now fmt points to the first arg value */ while (c = *format++) if (c == '%') { wptr = wbuf; precision = 6; ljflag = pf = 0; if (*format == '-') { format++; ljflag++; } if ( !(width = _gv2(&format))) width++; if ((c = *format++) == '.') { precision = _gv2(&format); pf++; c = *format++; } switch(toupper(c)) { case 'E': if (precision>7) precision = 7; ftoa(wbuf,*args++); strcpy(wbuf+precision+3, wbuf+10); width -= strlen(wbuf); goto pad2; case 'F': ftoa(&wbuf[60],*args++); sptr = &wbuf[60]; while ( *sptr++ != 'E') ; exp = atoi(sptr); sptr = &wbuf[60]; if (*sptr == ' ') sptr++; if (*sptr == '-') { *wptr++ = '-'; sptr++; width--; } sptr += 2; if (exp < 1) { *wptr++ = '0'; width--; } pf = 7; while (exp > 0 && pf) { *wptr++ = *sptr++; pf--; exp--; width--; } while (exp > 0) { *wptr++ = '0'; exp--; width--; } *wptr++ = '.'; width--; while (exp < 0 && precision) { *wptr++ = '0'; exp++; precision--; width--; } while (precision && pf) { *wptr++ = *sptr++; pf--; precision--; width--; } while (precision>0) { *wptr++ = '0'; precision--; width--; } goto pad; case 'D': if (*args < 0) { *wptr++ = '-'; *args = -*args; width--; } case 'U': base = 10; goto val; case 'X': base = 16; goto val; case 'O': base = 8; val: width -= _uspr(&wptr,*args++,base); goto pad; case 'C': *wptr++ = *args++; width--; goto pad; case 'S': if (!pf) precision = 200; sptr = *args++; while (*sptr && precision) { *wptr++ = *sptr++; precision--; width--; } pad: *wptr = '\0'; pad2: wptr = wbuf; if (!ljflag) while (width-- > 0) *line++ = ' '; while (*line = *wptr++) line++; if (ljflag) while (width-- > 0) *line++ = ' '; break; default: *line++ = c; } } else *line++ = c; *line = '\0'; }