/* === "STONE" --- H19 Version (for H19/Z19/H89/Z89 ONLY) === (otherwise known as "Awari") This version written by: Terry Hayes & Clark Baker Real-Time Systems Group MIT Lab for Computer Science Hacked up a little by Leor Zolman and Steve Ward (Steve did all the neat H19 display hackery!) The algorithm used for STONE is a common one to Artificial Intelligence people: the "Alpha- Beta" pruning heuristic. By searching up and down a tree of possible moves and keeping record of the minimum and maximum scores from the terminal static evaluations, it becomes possible to pinpoint move variations which can in no way affect the outcome of the search. Thus, those variations can be simply discarded, saving expensive static evaluation time. THIS is the kind of program that lets C show its stuff; Powerful expression operators and recursion combine to let a powerful algorithm be implemented painlessly. And it's fun to play! Rules of the game: Each player has six pits in front of him and a "home" pit on one side (the computer's home pit is on the left; your home pit is on the right.) At the start of the game, all pits except the home pits are filled with n stones, where n can be anything from 1 to 6. To make a move, a player picks one of the six pits on his side of the board that has stones in it, and redistributes the stones one-by-one going counter- clockwise around the board, starting with the pit following the one picked. The opponent's HOME pit is never deposited into. If the LAST stone happens to fall in that player's home pit, he moves again. If the LAST stone falls into an empty pit on the moving player's side of board, then any stones in the pit OPPOSITE to that go into the moving player's home pit. When either player clears the six pits on his side of the board, the game is over. The other player takes all stones in his six pits and places them in his home pit. Then, the player with the most stones in his home pit is the winner. The six pits on the human side are numbered one to six from left to right; the six pits on the computer's side are numbered one to six right-to- left. The standard game seems to be with three stones; Less stones make it somewhat easier (for both you AND the computer), while more stones complicate the game. As far as difficulty goes, well...it USED to be on a scale of 1 to 50, but I couldn't win it at level 1. So I changed it to 1-300, and couldn't win at level 1. So I changed it to 1-1000, and if I STILL can't win it at level 1, I think I'm gonna commit suicide. Good Luck!!! */ unsigned total; char string[80]; unsigned COUNT, Seed; int NUM; int holex[14]; int holey[14]; int stonex[48]; int stoney[48]; exinit() { initw(holex, "7,10,10,10,10,10,10,8,4,4,4,4,4,4"); initw(holey, "7,16,24,32,40,48,56,66,56,48,40,32,24,16"); initw(stonex, "0,0,0,-1,1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1,0,0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,\ -2,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-1,0,-2,1,-3,2,2,2,2,3,3,-4,-4,-4,-4,3,2,3,\ 2,3,3,-4,-4"); initw(stoney, "0,1,-1,0,0,-1,1,-1,1,-2,2,-2,2,-2,2,0,-1,1,-2,2,\ 0,-1,1,-2,2,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,0,-1,-2,1,0,-1,-1,0,-2,1,1,2,-2,-3,\ 2,-3,2,-3"); } putchar(ch) { bios(4,ch); } dance(y, x) { int i,j,k; k = 30; puts("\033q\033F"); while (!bios(2)) { display(y,x); for (i=0; i1000) goto new; printf("Number of stones (1-6): "); NUM = atoi(gets(string)); COUNT = inp * 65; NewBD(); initb(board); display(21,50); printf("\033p Difficulty: %d \033q", inp); display(19,0); printf("Do you want to go first (y or n)? "); inp = toupper(getchar()); printf("\033l\n\n"); if (inp == 'N') goto first; y = 0; while(notdone(board)) { again: display(20,10); printf("\033G\033p Your move: \b\b"); for (;;) { dance(20, 40); puts("\033p"); display(20,22); inp = getchar() - '0'; if (toupper(inp+'0')=='Q')goto new; if (inp < 1 || inp > 6 || !board[inp]) { putchar(7); goto again; } y++; break; } puts("\033q"); if (!dmove(board,inp)) continue; first: display(20,10); rptc(' ', 30); y = 0; while (notdone(board)) { display(21, 10); printf("\033p I'm thinking \033q"); inp = comp(board); display(21,10); rptc(' ', 30); display(22,10); printf("\033p Computer moves: "); printf("%d \033q",inp-7); y++; if (dmove(board,inp)) break; display(22,10); rptc(' ', 30); } y = 0; } com = board[0]; hum = board[7]; for (inp = 1; inp < 7; inp++) { hum += board[inp]; com += board[inp+7]; } display(23,10); printf("\033p Score: me %d you %d . . . ",com,hum); if (com>hum) switch (rand() % 4) { case 0: printf("Gotcha!!"); break; case 1: printf("Chalk one up for the good guys!"); break; case 2: printf("Automation does it again!"); break; case 3: printf("I LOVE to WIN!"); } else if (hum==com) printf("How frustrating!!"); else printf("Big Deal! Try a REAL difficulty!"); printf(" \033q\033G"); display(19,0); sleep(5); printf("\033p New Game (y/n): \033q\033K"); dance(19,40); if (toupper(getchar()) == 'Y') goto new; display(23,0); printf("\033z"); exit(); } mod(i,j) int i,j; { ++i; if (i == 7) return( j ? 7 : 8); if (i > 13) return ( j ? 1 : 0); return(i); } initb(board) char *board; { int i,j; for (i= 0; i <14; ++i) { board[i]=0; if (i != 0 && i != 7) for (j = 0; j < NUM; j++) incpit(board,i); } return; } comp(board) char *board; { int score; int bestscore,best; char temp[14]; int i; unsigned nodes; total = 0; if ((i = countnodes(board,8)) == 1) for (best = 8; best < 14; ++best) if (board[best]) return(best); nodes = COUNT/i; bestscore = -10000; for (i = 13; i > 7; --i) if (board[i]) { score = mmove(board,temp,i); score = comp1( temp, score, nodes, bestscore, 10000); if (score > bestscore) { bestscore = score; best = i; } } display(19,10); if (bestscore > 1000) puts("\033p I'VE GOT YOU! \033q\n"); if (bestscore < -1000) printf("\033p YOU'VE GOT ME! \033q\n"); return(best); } comp1(board,who,count,alpha,beta) char *board; int who; int alpha,beta; unsigned count; { int i; int turn,new; char temp[14]; unsigned nodes; if (count < 1) { new = board[0]-board[7]; for (i = 1; i < 7; ++i) { turn = min(7-i,board[i]); new -= 2*turn - board[i]; } for (i = 8; i < 14; ++i) { turn = min(14-i,board[i]); new += 2*turn - board[i]; } if (board[0] > 6*NUM) new += 1000; if (board[7] > 6*NUM) new -= 1000; return(new); } if (!notdone(board)) { new = board[0]+board[8]+board[9]+board[10] +board[11]+board[12]+board[13]-board[1]-board[2] -board[3]-board[4]-board[5]-board[6]-board[7]; if ( new < 0) return (new - 1000); if ( new > 0) return (new + 1000); return(0); } nodes = count/countnodes(board,8-who*7); for (i = 7*(1-who)+6; i > 7*(1-who); --i) if (board[i]) { turn = mmove(board,temp,i); new = comp1(temp,(turn? 1-who: who),nodes,alpha,beta); if (who) { beta = min(new,beta); if (beta <= alpha) return(beta); } else { alpha = max(new,alpha); if (alpha >= beta) return(alpha); } } return(who ? beta : alpha); } min(i,j) int i,j; { return(i < j ? i : j); } max(i,j) int i,j; { return(i > j ? i : j); } notdone(board) char *board; { return (board[1] || board[2] || board[3] || board[4] || board[5] || board[6]) && (board[8] || board[9] || board[10] || board[11] || board[12] || board[13]); } countnodes(board,start) int start; char *board; { int i; int num; num = 0; for (i = start; i< start + 6; ++i) num += (board[i] ? 1 : 0); return(num); } incpit(board,pit) char *board; int pit; { display(1+holex[pit]+stonex[board[pit]], 3+holey[pit] +stoney[board[pit]]); printf("\033F^\033G"); board[pit]++; } display(x,y) int x,y; { printf("\033Y%c%c",x+32,y+32); } decpit(board,pit) char *board; int pit; { board[pit]--; display(1+holex[pit]+stonex[board[pit]], 3+holey[pit] +stoney[board[pit]]); putchar(' '); } rpt(cc, n) { while (n--) printf(cc); } rptc(cc, n) { while (n--) putchar(cc); } nb1(n) { rpt("ii q p q p q p q p q p q p q p q p ii\n\r", n); } NewBD() { printf("\033H\033J\033p\033F"); rptc('i', 77); printf("\n\rii"); rptc(' ',73); printf("ii\n\rii"); printf(" ME 6 5 4 3"); printf(" 2 1 ii\n\rii qr _p "); rpt(" qr _p", 6); printf(" ii\n\r"); printf("ii q p q p q p q p q p q p q p qr _p ii\n\r"); nb1(2); printf("ii q p _q pr _q pr _q pr _q pr _q pr _q pr q p ii\n\r"); printf("ii q p q p ii\n\r"); printf("ii q p qr _p qr _p qr _p qr _p qr _p qr _p q p ii\n\r"); nb1(2); printf("ii _q pr q p q p q p q p q p q p q p ii\n\r"); printf("ii _q pr _q pr _q pr _q pr _q pr _q pr _q pr ii\n\r"); printf("ii 1 2 3 4 5 6 YOU ii\n\r"); printf("ii ii\n\r"); rptc('i', 77); printf("\033G\033q"); } sleep(n) { int i; while (n--) for (i=12000; i--;); } dmove(new,move) char *new,move; { int i; int j; int who; if ((move < 1) || (move > 13) || (move == 7) || !new[move]) printf("Bad arg to mmove: %d",move); who = (move < 7 ? 1 : 0); i = new[move]; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) decpit(new,move); sleep(1); while (i--) { move = mod(move,who); incpit(new,move); putchar(7); sleep(1); } if (new[move] == 1 && who == (move < 7 ? 1 : 0) && move && move != 7) while(new[14-move]) { decpit(new,14-move); incpit(new,who*7); } if (move == 0 || move == 7) return(0); else return(1); } mmove(old,new,move) char *old; char *new; int move; { int i; int who; total++; for (i = 0; i < 14; ++i) new[i] = old[i]; if ((move < 1) || (move > 13) || (move == 7) || !new[move]) printf("Bad arg to mmove: %d",move); who = (move < 7 ? 1 : 0); i = old[move]; new[move] = 0; while (i--) { move = mod(move,who); ++new[move]; } if (new[move] == 1 && who == (move < 7 ? 1 : 0) && move && move != 7) { new[who*7] += new[14-move]; new[14-move] = 0; } if (move == 0 || move == 7) return(0); else return(1); }