#include "polynomial_adt.h" PolyAdt *create_adt(int hp) { PolyAdt *pAdt = malloc(sizeof(PolyAdt)); assert(pAdt != NULL); pAdt->head = NULL; pAdt->terms = 0; pAdt->hp = hp; return pAdt; } void insert_term(PolyAdt *pAdt, float c, int e) { assert(pAdt != NULL); //assume client code didn't call create_adt() Node *n = malloc(sizeof(Node)); if(pAdt->head == NULL) pAdt->head = create_node(c, e, pAdt->head); else for(n = pAdt->head; n->next != NULL; n = n->next); //go to the end of list n->next = create_node(c, e, NULL); pAdt->terms++; } PolyAdt *polyImage(const PolyAdt *orig) { PolyAdt *img = create_adt(orig->hp); Node *origHead = orig->head; for(; origHead; origHead = origHead->next) insert_term(img, origHead->coeff, origHead->exp); return img; } PolyAdt *add(const PolyAdt *a, const PolyAdt *b) { PolyAdt *sum; Node *n, *np; int state = 1; assert(a != NULL && b != NULL); int hpow = max(a->hp, b->hp); sum = create_adt(hpow); //create space for it /* using state machine to compare the poly with the most terms to ** the poly with fewer, round robin type of effect comparison of ** exponents => 3 Cases: Equal, Less, Greater */ n = a->head; np = b->head; while(state) { /* compare the exponents */ if(n->exp == np->exp){ insert_term(sum, n->coeff + np->coeff, n->exp); n = n->next; np = np->next; } else if(n->exp < np->exp){ insert_term(sum, np->coeff, np->exp); np = np->next; //move to next term of b } else { //greater than insert_term(sum, n->coeff, n->exp); n = n->next; } /* check whether at the end of one list or the other */ if(np == NULL && state){ //copy rest of a to sum for(; n != NULL; n = n->next) insert_term(sum, n->coeff, n->exp); state = 0; } if(n == NULL && state){ for(; np != NULL; np = np->next) insert_term(sum, np->coeff, np->exp); state = 0; } } return sum; } PolyAdt *subtract(const PolyAdt *a, const PolyAdt *b) { assert(a != NULL && b != NULL); PolyAdt *tmp = create_adt(b->hp); Node *bptr; for(bptr = b->head; bptr != NULL; bptr = bptr->next) insert_term(tmp,-bptr->coeff,bptr->exp); //negating b's coeffs return add(a,tmp); } PolyAdt *multiply(const PolyAdt *a, const PolyAdt *b) { assert(a != NULL && b != NULL); //the polys are inserted in order for now PolyAdt *prod = create_adt(a->head->exp + b->head->exp); Node *n = a->head, *np = b->head; Node *t = b->head; if(a->terms < b->terms){ n = b->head; np = t = a->head; } for(; n != NULL; n = n->next){ np = t; //reset to the beginning for(; np != NULL; np = np->next){ //always the least term in this loop insert_term(prod, n->coeff * np->coeff, n->exp + np->exp); } } return prod; } PolyAdt *derivative(const PolyAdt *a) { assert(a != NULL); PolyAdt *deriv = create_adt(a->head->exp - 1); Node *n = a->head; for(; n != NULL; n = n->next){ if(n->exp == 0) break; insert_term(deriv, n->coeff * n->exp, n->exp-1); } return deriv; } PolyAdt *integrate(const PolyAdt *a) { assert(a != NULL); PolyAdt *integrand = create_adt(a->head->exp + 1); Node *n; for(n = a->head; n != NULL; n = n->next) //very simple term by term insert_term(integrand, (float)n->coeff/(n->exp+1.0F), n->exp + 1); return integrand; } void quadratic_roots(const PolyAdt *a, float *real, float *cplx) { assert(a != NULL); float dscrmnt, _a, b, c; float u, v; Node *n = a->head; _a = n->coeff; b = n->next->coeff; c = n->next->next->coeff; dscrmnt = (b*b) - 4*_a*c; u = -b/(2*_a); v = sqrt((double)fabs(dscrmnt))/(2*_a); if((real && !cplx) || (!real && cplx)) assert(1); if(real == NULL && cplx == NULL){ if(a->hp != 2 && a->terms < 3){ printf("Invalid Quadratic*, A and B must be non-zero"); return; } if(dscrmnt != 0) printf("X = %.2f +/- %.2f%c\n",u,v,dscrmnt < 0 ? 'I':' '); else{ printf("(X %c %.2f)(X %c %.2f)\n",sgn(u),fabs(u),sgn(u),fabs(u)); printf("X1,2 = %.2f\n",u); } } //save values in pointers else { if(dscrmnt < 0){ //x = u +/- vI Re(x) = u, Im(x) = +v *real = u; *cplx = v; //understand +/- is not representable } else if(dscrmnt == 0){ *real = u; *cplx = 0.00F; } else{ *real = u + v; *cplx = u - v; } } } PolyAdt *exponentiate(const PolyAdt *a, int n) { assert(a != NULL); PolyAdt *expn = create_adt(a->hp * n); PolyAdt *aptr = polyImage(a); int hl = n / 2; //check default cases before calculation if(n == 0){ insert_term(expn, 1, 0); return expn; } else if(n == 1){ return aptr; } for(; hl ; hl--) aptr = multiply(aptr, aptr); if(n % 2) //odd exponent do a^(n-1) * a = a^n expn = multiply(aptr, a); else expn = aptr; return expn; } PolyAdt *compose(const PolyAdt *p, const PolyAdt *q) { assert(p && q); PolyAdt *comp = create_adt(p->head->exp * q->head->exp); PolyAdt *exp; Node *pp = p->head; Node *qq = q->head; int swap = 0; if(p->terms < q->terms){ pp = q->head; qq = p->head; swap = 1; } /* going through, exponentiate each term with the exponent of p */ for(; pp != NULL; pp = pp->next){ exp = exponentiate(swap ? p: q, pp->exp); insert_term(comp, pp->coeff * exp->head->coeff, exp->head->exp); } return comp; } void destroy_poly(PolyAdt *poly) { Node *ps = poly->head; Node *tmp = NULL; while(ps != NULL){ tmp = ps; free(tmp); ps = ps->next; } poly->hp = poly->terms = 0; poly->head = NULL; } void display_poly(const PolyAdt *a) { assert(a != NULL); Node *n; for(n = a->head; n != NULL; n = n->next){ n->coeff < 0 ? putchar('-') : putchar('+'); if(n->exp == 0) printf(" %.2f ",fabs(n->coeff)); else if(n->coeff == 1) printf(" X^%d ",n->exp); else if(n->exp == 1) printf(" %.2fX ",fabs(n->coeff)); else if(n->coeff == 0) continue; else printf(" %.2fX^%d ",fabs(n->coeff),n->exp); } printf("\n\n"); }