#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; sub slurp { my ($file) = @_; my $fh; if (ref $file) { $fh = $file; } else { open $fh, '<', $file or die "can't open file to read: $file: $!"; } local $/; return <$fh>; } sub enen { local ($_) = @_; if (defined $_) { s/&/&/g; s//>/g; s/"/"/g; } else { $_ = 'NULL'; } return $_; } sub tag { my ($tag, @attrs) = @_; my $single = $tag =~ s{/$}{} ? '/' : ''; my $attr = ''; while (my ($name, $value) = splice @attrs, 0, 2) { next if !defined $value; my $venc = enen($value); $attr .= qq{ $name="$venc"}; } return "<$tag$attr$single>"; } sub wrap { my ($tag, @elements) = @_; my $attrs = ref $elements[0] ? shift @elements : []; my $content = join('', @elements); return tag($tag, @$attrs) .$content .tag("/$tag"); } our $td_col; our @td_boxes; our $td_box; sub td_box_classes { my ($d0, $d1, $col, $span) = @_; my @class; my $next = $col + $span; if (!$td_box) { for my $box (@td_boxes) { next if !exists $box->{col0}; if ($box->{col0} == $col) { warn "there is a box here\n"; $td_box = $box; push @class, 'left'; $td_box->{top} = 0; if ($d1 eq "\\") { $td_box->{bot} = 1; warn "bot\n"; } last; } } } if (!$td_box && $d0 eq '/') { $td_box = {col0=>$col, top=>1}; push @td_boxes, $td_box; push @class, 'left'; warn "adding box\n"; } if ($td_box && $td_box->{top}) { push @class, 'top'; if ($d1 eq "\\") { $td_box->{col1} = $next; delete $td_box->{top}; } } if ($td_box && $td_box->{bot}) { push @class, 'bottom'; } if ($td_box && defined $td_box->{col1} && $next == $td_box->{col1}) { push @class, 'right'; if ($td_box->{bot}) { if ($d0 eq '/') { warn "clearing box"; %$td_box = (); } else { die "/ not found or not bot? $td_box->{bot}"; } } undef $td_box; } # TODO error handling? return @class; } sub td { my ($text, $tabs) = @_; $text =~ s/^\.//; my $colspan = length($tabs); my $tag = $text =~ /:$/ ? 'th' : 'td'; # heading? $text = " " if $text eq ""; my ($d0, $d1) = ('', ''); if ($text =~ s{^/|/$}{}) { $d0 = '/'; } if ($text =~ s{^\\|\\$}{}) { $d1 = '\\'; } my @class = td_box_classes($d0, $d1, $td_col, $colspan); my $class = @class ? "@class" : undef; $td_col += $colspan; return wrap($tag, [colspan=>$colspan == 1 ? undef : $colspan, class => $class], $text); } our %close_for = ( '['=>']', '<'=>'>', '('=>')', '{'=>'}', '_'=>'_' ); our %n_class = (''=>'single required', '?'=>'optional', '*'=>'multi optional', '+'=>'multi required'); sub text2form { my ($tmpl, $stash) = @_; my $body = ""; my %need_hidden; my @grid; my $rows = 0; my $cols = 0; @td_boxes = (); undef $td_box; my $max_tabs = 1; my @lines = split /\r?\n/, $tmpl; for (@lines) { # fix whitespace s/\r//g; chomp; $_ .= "\t"; # fix whitespace (my $line_tabs = $_) =~ s/[^\t]//g; $line_tabs = length($line_tabs); if ($line_tabs < $max_tabs) { $_ .= "\t" x ($max_tabs - $line_tabs); } else { $max_tabs = $line_tabs; } # text, encode entities s{([^\t][<>&"][^\t])}{enen($1)}ge; # input fields: text, select, checkbox s%([[<{_])(\S[^\t]*?)(\t*)([]>}_])([?*+]|)([^\t[<{_]*)% my ($open, $id, $tabs, $close, $n, $rest) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); die "mismatched brackets: $_" if $close ne $close_for{$open}; my $colspan = length($tabs) + 1; if ($open eq '[') { # text input $_ = tag('input/', name=>$id, id=>$id, value=>$stash->{$id}, size=>5*$colspan, class => $n_class{$n}); } elsif ($open eq '<') { # select $_ = wrap('select', [name=>$id, id=>$id, value=>$stash->{$id}, class => $n_class{$n}]); # TODO finish this } elsif ($open eq '{') { # button $_ = tag('input/', type=>'submit', name=>$id, id=>$id, value=>$stash->{$id}||$id); } elsif ($open eq '_') { # link $_ = wrap('a', [href=>$stash->{$id}||'#'], enen($id)); } $_ .= $rest . $tabs; $_; %ge; # checkbox s{\?(\?|\S+?)([?*+]|\b)}{ my ($id, $n) = ($1, $2); if ($id eq '?') { '?'.$n } else { tag('input/', type => 'checkbox', name=>$id, id=>$id, value=>1, checked => $stash->{$id} ? 1 : undef, class => $n_class{$n}); } }ge; # TODO textarea # data s{\$(\$|\d+|\S+)}{ my ($id) = ($1); if ($id eq '$') { '$' } elsif ($id =~ /^\d/) { "\$$id" } else { $need_hidden{$id} = 1; enen($stash->{$id}); } }ge; # spacing s/ /  /g; (my $warn = $_) =~ s{\t}{ x\t}g; warn "$warn\n"; # td tags $td_col = 0; s{(.*?)(\t+)}{td($1, $2)}ge; # tr tags $_ = wrap('tr', $_); $body .= "$_\n"; } # add one row with all the cells to ensure sensible layout $body .= wrap('tr', map {wrap('td')} 1..$max_tabs); for my $id (sort keys %need_hidden) { $body .= tag('input/', type=>'hidden', name=>$id, id=>$id, value=>$stash->{$id})."\n"; } return wrap('form', [name=>'form', method=>'post', action=>'?=[% unique %]'], wrap('table', [class=>'layout'], $body)); } my $tmpl = slurp(\*STDIN); my $stash = {}; my $html = text2form($tmpl, $stash); print wrap('html', wrap('head', tag('link/', rel=>'stylesheet', type=>'text/css', href=>'')), wrap('body', $html))."\n";