A processor is a unit of processing. It has a clearly defined role in the system as a whole. An object is a lump of data that the processor may act upon. The nodes of a processor are linked to objects. Interface to a processor: Most processors have a fixed number of named singular nodes. Some processors may have named lists of nodes, bags of nodes or hashes of nodes. A processor is a very high-level concept. Each processor has many modes of operation. Which one is used in a particular circumstance depends on: * the types of objects input and to be output * which nodes are incoming, which are outgoing A processor is capable of more than simple action. It also can propogate flow-control signals - 'pushes' and 'pulls' - through the network. When a node is pushed, there no object is actually input. What happens is that the processor tries to establish a pathway for objects to travel, if they are input on that port. In a half-duplex channel, this 'push' is a request for control of the channel. node states: closed | neutral | pulled | pushed | pulling | pushing | full BEADS TIED TO STRINGS / CONVEYOR BELT MODEL