============================================================= Report of Sales from 12/01/1999 through 12/15/1999 Site Name: SchoolBuys (Charter Affiliate) Site URL: http://www.schoolbuys.com.au Affiliate Number: AF58087 PLEASE NOTE: Items will not appear on this report until they have been billed to the customer, and items are not billed until they have been shipped. This can cause a delay in the appearance of out-of-stock items on your sales report until the orders have actually been filled. No. Prod Name Unit price Qty E/P/C/S Amount Date Subcode === ============= ========== === ======= ======== ============ =========== 1 Milky Bars 0.80 10 P 8.00 1/10/99 abcd 2 Mars Bars 0.80 110 P 88.00 2/10/99 bcde 3 Caramello Koalae 0.50 10 P 5.00 13/10/99 cdef -------- Total: $ 101.00 E/P/H/S = Electronic, Physical, Hardware, or Special (usually bundled products) Revenue split percentage for electronic delivery = 10% Revenue split percentage for physical delivery of software products = 5% Revenue split percentage for physical delivery of hardware products (as of 7/1/99) = 2% Total Revenue = $ 101.00 Commission this period = $ 10.10 =============================================================