#!/use/bin/perl # demo.pl # runs demonstration scripts for WWW::Extractor 1.0 use WWW::Extractor; http_verbose; http_proxy('http://proxy.schools.net.au:3128'); use WWW::Extractor::Generic::Try; $| = 1; print "\n"; for $num (1..6) { try { &{"example$num"}; } catch { print "

Example $num failed : $_

\n"; }; print "

\n"; print STDERR "\n"; } print "\n"; exit; sub example1 { print "

Example 1 - Beyond (email)

\n"; load_text 'beyond.txt'; print "


\n"; print "
\n", content, "
\n"; $table = read_table 'Report of Sales'; print "


\n"; print $table->as_HTML; } sub example2 { print "

Example 2 - Amazon (email)

\n"; load_text 'amazon.txt'; print "


\n"; print "
\n", content, "
\n"; $table1 = read_table <<'End'; ITEM CODE, HITS, TITLE, DIR, NDIR, YOUR FEE, DISCOUNT, LIST PRICE , ---------- ------ ----- ----- ------- -------------------------------------- , ########## ###### @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ##### ##### ####### sold at ##% off list price of ############# , ---------- ------ ----- ----- ------- -------------------------------------- End cut $table1 'ITEM CODE', 'TITLE', 'DISCOUNT', 'LIST PRICE', 'YOUR FEE'; $table2 = read_table 'Number of Visitors'; cut $table2 2..6; drop_head_foot $table2 0, 2; ($from_date, $to_date) = read_line 'For the week of', 'through'; print "


\n"; print $table1->as_HTML; print < From date: $from_date To date: $to_date End print $table2->as_HTML; } sub example3 { print "

Example 3 - Avanta (website)

\n"; try { load_html 'avanta.html' } catch { get 'http://www.avanta.com.au/affiliate/default.asp'; enter 'Login', 'csymons@schools.net.au'; enter 'Password', 'schoolsales'; submit; save 'avanta.html'; }; print "


\n"; print content; ($nref, $nret, $amount) = read_lines 'Number of people that have referred and entered this site:', 'Number of people that have returned after a referral:', 'Amount Sold (AUS$):'; print "


\n"; print < # people entering site: $nref # people returning to site: $nret Amount sold (AU\$): $amount End } sub example4 { print "

Example 4 - Beyond (website)

\n"; try { load_html 'beyond.html' } catch { get 'http://www.beyond.com/forms/affiliates/online_report.htm'; enter 'Affiliate Number', 'AF58087'; enter 'Password', 'dermott'; submit; save 'beyond.html'; }; print "


\n"; print content; ($from_date, $to_date) = read_line 'Report of Sales from', 'through'; print "


\n"; print < From date: $from_date To date: $to_date End } sub example5 { print "

Example 5 - Chaos Music (website)

\n"; try { load_html 'chaosmusic.html' } catch { get 'http://www.chaosmusic.com/reseller_login.asp'; enter 'Reseller ID', 377; enter 'Password', 'dermott'; submit; save 'chaosmusic.html'; }; print "


\n"; print content; ($balance, $total, $nvis, $nsale, $comm) = read_lines 'Account Balance', 'Total Commisions Earned', 'Number of visitors', 'Number of sales', 'Current Commission'; print "


\n"; print < Balance: $balance Commissions: $total Visitors: $nvis Sales: $nsale Commission: $comm End } sub example6 { print "

Example 6 - MP3 (website)

\n"; try { load_html 'mp3.html' } catch { get 'http://www.reporting.net/'; enter 'schoolsnet'; enter 'dermott'; submit 'GET'; find 'mp3'; link 'enter'; link 'reports'; link 'Sales (Daily)'; select 'Browser'; submit; save 'mp3.html'; }; print "


\n"; print content; $table = read_table 'Affiliate Site'; drop_head_foot $table 0, 2; cut $table 'Transaction Date', '# Orders', 'Net Sales'; print "


\n"; print $table->as_HTML; } __END__ # example 1: alternative table extraction (safer?) $table = read_table <<'End'; No., Prod Name, Unit price, Qty, E/P/C/S, Amount, Date, Subcode , === ============= ========== === ======= ======== ============ =========== , ### @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ########## ### @@@@@@@ ######## @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ , End # example 2: alternative table extraction (safer?) $table2 = read_table <<'End'; Date, ISBN/ASIN,home page, search, other , --------------------- ----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- , Number of Visitors on @@@@@@@@@@@ ######### ######### ######### ######### , --------------------- ----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- End # example 6: alternative access method (faster, uses a cookie) get 'http://www.reporting.net/networks/affiliates/bf_login', [username_in => 'schoolsnet', password_in => 'dermott']; cookie 0, 'bfMerch', '1429031|11128519', '/', '.reporting.net'; post 'http://www.reporting.net/networks/affiliates/pub_sales_rpt.run', [report_id_in => 58, rep_firm_id_in => 1429031, start_date_in => 13, start_date_in => 01, start_date_in => 2000, end_date_in => 19, end_date_in => 01, end_date_in => 2000, export_format_id_in => 0 ];