donate to help pre-orders - Pandora Donations - Let's Go - Help wanted :) You're all under arrest! Lay down your weapons or you will be shot without mercy! gem.png icon.png icon.png icon-small.png icon.png "The Pandora absolutely smoked the Dragonfly ..." notes-small.jpg ( The Dragonfly DAC is a USB audio player 100%-scoring hifi "product of the year", which costs almost as much as the Pandora, has no battery, and cannot run emulators. ) WIFI, be reliable... echo sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off rate 54M >qos ; chmod +x qos ; sudo cp -i qos /usr/bin/ ; qos code, run faster... CFLAGS += -O3 -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -ftree-vectorize -mfloat-abi=softfp -fsingle-precision-constant -ffast-math PND, be built... PND=../myapp.pnd ; /usr/sbin/mksquashfs . $PND -noappend -all-root -e .git ; cat PXML.xml icon.png >>$PND