#!perl BEGIN { chdir('..'); } our $header_color = "#eeeeee"; our $non_period_color = "#eeeeee"; our $bgcolor_today = "beige"; our $bgcolor_other_days = "white"; our $cell_width = 110; our $cell_width_banner = 60; our $cell_width_banner_recess = 10; our $cell_padding = 2; our $cell_padding_banner = 1; our $font_size_subject = +0; our $font_size_room = -1; our $font_size_teacher_or_form = -2; our $font_size_banner = -2; our $sep_color = "gray"; our $bgcolor_duty = "#ffc0c0"; our $bgcolor_recess = $header_color; our $sep = qq{}; use strict; use warnings; use IO::File; use CGI ':standard'; use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser'; require "lib_pl"; use Date; use File::Copy; use CGI::Cookie; set_program_name("the timetable program"); # session variables our $session_data = {}; our ($uid, $password, $token, $session_code, $authenticated, $ou_allowed, $user); our $script_name; our ($name1, $name2, $fullname); # other vars from lib_pl our ($program, $submit_i, $file_i, $password_i, @month, @weekday); our ($common_conf); our ($ldap); our %N; # other global vars our ($days, $periods); our $banner = param("banner"); if ($banner) { param("embed", 1); } our $db; our (%abbrev) = ( "Physical" => "Phys", "Education" => "Ed", "Unit 1&2" => "1&2", "Unit 3&4" => "3&4", "Studies in " => "", "Recreation" => "Rec", "Technology" => "Tech", "MUSIC" => "Music", # !!! "FOOD" => "Food", "Further Maths" => "Further", "Foundation Maths" => "Foundation", "General Maths" => "General", " (Correspondence)" => "", "VET Hospitality" => "Hospitality", "Marketing & Publicity" => "Marketing", "Health & HD" => "Health", "Design Fabric" => "Fabric", "Design Wood" => "Wood", "Visual Design" => "Visual", "Legal Studies" => "Legal", "LIT/NUM SUPPORT" => "LIT/NUM", ); load_session(); unless ($uid) { $uid = param("uid"); } hdr("Timetable"); $user = auth(); print "
\n"; ($name1, $name2) = ldap_get_name($user); my $is_teacher = $user->{is_staff}; my $is_student = $user->{is_student}; $fullname = "$name1 $name2"; our $weekday = uc(Date->today->{weekday}); #test_ldap(); timetable(); ftr(); sub selectors { my ($students) = sql_rows("SELECT firstname, familyname FROM tblStudent WHERE deleted=0 ORDER BY familyname, firstname"); my ($teachers) = sql_rows("SELECT firstname, familyname FROM tblTeacher WHERE deleted=0 ORDER BY familyname, firstname"); for (@$students, @$teachers) { for (@$_) { $_ = lc($_); s/\b([a-z])/uc($1)/ge; } $_ = "$$_[1], $$_[0]"; } space(3); print dropdown({prompt=>"students..."}, "student", $students); space(3); print dropdown({prompt=>"teachers..."}, "teacher", $teachers); space(3); print buttons("load"); } sub timetable { sql_connect(); my $can_select = !$is_student; if ($can_select and (param("teacher") || param("student"))) { if (param("teacher") and param("student")) { msg("please select either a teacher or a student - not both!"); } elsif (param("teacher")) { ($name2, $name1) = split /, */, param("teacher"), 2; $is_teacher = 1; $is_student = 0; } elsif (param("student")) { ($name2, $name1) = split /, */, param("student"), 2; $is_teacher = 0; $is_student = 1; } $fullname = "$name1 $name2"; } # elsif (!($name1 and $name2)) { # $name1 = ""; $name2 = ""; # get_user_name(); # } if ($banner) { print hidden("teacher", param("teacher")) if param("teacher"); print hidden("student", param("student")) if param("student"); } if ($can_select && !$banner) { print qq{\n}; print qq{"; } print qq{

$name1 $name2

}; selectors(); print "
\n}; # my ($ID) = sql_item("SELECT ID FROM tblStudent WHERE firstname='Danielle' and familyname='Hradsky'"); # my ($subjects) = sql_col("SELECT Name FROM tblSubject, tblSubjectChoice WHERE StudentID='$ID' and tblSubjectChoice.SubjectID = tblSubject.ID"); ($days) = sql_col("SELECT Name FROM tblDay WHERE deleted=0 ORDER BY SortOrder"); ($periods) = sql_col("SELECT Name FROM tblPeriod WHERE deleted=0 ORDER BY SortOrder"); if (!($name1 and $name2)) { if (!$banner) { msg("Your name is not in the active directory yet.") } } else { if ($is_student) { my $name1_esc = escape_quote($name1); my $name2_esc = escape_quote($name2); my ($students) = sql_rows("SELECT ID FROM tblStudent WHERE firstname='$name1_esc' and familyname='$name2_esc' and deleted=0"); if (@$students == 0) { msg("We don't have timetable information for the student $fullname."); } if (@$students > 1) { msg("Apparently there is more than one student with the name $fullname!"); } for (@$students) { my ($ID) = @$_; display_student_timetable($ID); } } elsif ($is_teacher) { my ($teachers) = sql_rows("SELECT ID FROM tblTeacher WHERE firstname='$name1' and familyname='$name2' and deleted=0"); if (@$teachers == 0) { msg("We don't have timetable information for the teacher $fullname."); } if (@$teachers > 1) { msg("Apparently there is more than one teacher with the name $fullname!"); } for (@$teachers) { my ($ID) = @$_; display_teacher_timetable($ID); } } else { if (!$banner) { msg("You are apparently neither a student nor a teacher, we have no timetable information for you!"); } } } print "
\n"; } sub escape_quote { my ($x) = @_; $x =~ s/'/''/g; return $x; } sub display_student_timetable { my ($ID) = @_; my ($timetable) = sql_rows(<"; } my $last_was_sep = 0; print qq{}; !$banner and print qq{}; $wday = 0; for (@$days) { my $x = $_; day_vars(); if ($is_today) { $x = "$x"; } else { $bgcolor = $header_color; } !$banner and print qq{}; ++$wday; } !$banner and print "\n"; $banner and print "\n"; for my $period (@$periods) { my $is_class = $period =~ /period|home group/i; if (!$banner && $is_student && !$is_class) { # horizontal sep if (!$last_was_sep && $period !~ /^bus duty$/i) { print qq{$sep\n}; $last_was_sep = 1; } else { $last_was_sep = 0; } } else { if (!$banner) { my $period_display = $is_class ? " $period " : " "; $period_display =~ s/PERIOD/Period/i; print qq{\n"; } $wday = 0; for my $day (@$days) { day_vars(); if (!$banner || $is_today) { my $entry = $tt{$day}{$period}; my $is_sep = $banner && !$is_class && !$entry; if (!$is_sep) { if ($banner) { $cell_width = $is_class ? $cell_width_banner : $cell_width_banner_recess; } if (!$is_class) { $bgcolor = $entry ? $bgcolor_duty : $bgcolor_recess; } print qq{\n"; } if ($is_sep && !$last_was_sep && $period !~ /^bus duty$/i) { print qq{$sep}; #}; $last_was_sep = 1; } else { $last_was_sep = 0; } } ++$wday; } !$banner and print "\n"; } } $banner and print "\n"; print "
}.nbspify($period_display)."}; if ($entry) { my ($subject, $room, $teacher_or_form) = @$entry; $subject = subject_abbrev($subject); for ($subject, $room, $teacher_or_form) { $_ = nbspify($_); } font_size($subject, $font_size_subject); font_size($room, $font_size_room); font_size($teacher_or_form, $font_size_teacher_or_form); print "$subject"; print "
", left_right($room, $teacher_or_form) if $is_class; } else { print " "; } print "
\n"; if ($banner) { print ""; print qq{}; print ""; } } sub font_size { my $size = $_[1] > 0 ? "+$_[1]" : $_[1]; if ($size == 0) { return; } $size = $size == 0 ? "" : qq{ size="$_[1]"}; $_[0] = qq{$_[0]}; } sub display_teacher_timetable { my ($ID) = @_; # I'm not sure how to call "procedures" so I copied the SQL code here and edited it my ($timetable) = sql_rows(<connect("dbi:ODBC:$DSN") or # die "$DBI::errstr\n"; # $dbh->disconnect(); # test ldap directory # TODO update first name / last name in active directory for students ??? #sub test_ldap { # my %uids; # my $filter = ""; # for my $domain ('ou=users,ou=healesville-hs') { # my $users = ldap_lookup($domain, $filter, [$common_conf->{ldap_uid_field}]); # if (ref $users) { # for my $user (@$users) { # my $uid_full = lc $user->get_value($common_conf->{ldap_uid_field}); # my $uid; # if (length($uid_full) > 3) { # $uid = substr($uid_full, 0, 3); # } else { # $uid = $uid_full; # } # if ($uids{$uid}) { # msg("duplicate uid (first 3 chars): $uids{$uid}, $uid_full"); # } # $uids{$uid} = $uid_full; # } # } else { # die "bad: ldap_lookup in domain $domain returned $users"; # } # } # d([sort keys %uids]); #} #sub get_user_name { # unless (param("name1") and param("name2")) { # msg("Please enter your name, to help us complete our database."); # msg("Please use capitals and lower-case correctly."); # msg("PLEASE DO NOT enter a false name, or someone else's name!"); # print br(); # print tbl_tsv(< #Surname: # $submit_i #End # # ftr(); # exit(); # } else { # $name1 = param("name1"); # $name2 = param("name2"); # ldap_set_fullname($user, $name1, $name2); # } #} sub subject_abbrev { my ($subject) = @_; for (keys %abbrev) { $subject =~ s/\b\Q$_\E\b/$abbrev{$_}/eg; } $subject =~ s/Unit 3&\$/3&4/; # for whatever reason this doesn't work in the abbrev list! return $subject; } #sub dump_subjects { # my ($subjects) = sql_col("SELECT Name FROM tblSubject WHERE deleted=0"); # for my $subject (@$subjects) { # $subject = subject_abbrev($subject); # } # for (sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } @$subjects) { # print "$_
"; # } #}